 In Awards

The Canadian Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (CGLCC) are committed to creating a thriving and inclusive Canadian Economy. Their programs are designed to elevate LGBT businesses and foster greater diversity and inclusion across Canada’s economy. They also serve businesses that are looking to form inclusive cultures within their businesses. This is why Elmhirst’s Resort reached out to the CGLCC for their Rainbow Registered LGBT+ Friendly Accreditation Program.

Rainbow Registered is a “national accreditation for LGBT+ friendly businesses and organizations. When you see a Rainbow Registered symbol, you know the business or organization meets a stringent set of standards to ensure LGBT+ customers and staff feel safe, welcomed, and accepted.”

Elmhirst’s Resort is proud to announce that we have received our accreditation from the CGLCC that we are Rainbow Registered. This accreditation means that we have demonstrated that we are committed and consistent in our efforts to provide a welcome and accepting LGBT+ customer and staff experience.

We are excited to join this program, and to continue to maintain this accreditation in the future. We are also excited to join this growing list of Rainbow Registered businesses in Canada.

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