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Updated Feb 12, 2021

Mandatory Use of Face Coverings for COVID-19 Prevention within Elmhirst’s Resort


Respiratory infections may spread from respiratory droplets from infected individuals through coughing, sneezing, and speaking. COVID-19 transmission can occur even when someone is not showing symptoms. As businesses and services reopen during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to implement policies and safety measures to prevent the spread of the virus and to protect the health and wellbeing of employees, patrons, and local residents. Using face coverings is a method of source control, but to reduce the risk of transmission, it must be accompanied with other measures including, physical distancing, respiratory etiquette and good hand hygiene. Wearing face coverings has not been proven to protect the person wearing it, but instead can protect others. As such, requiring the use of face coverings in any indoor non-health care public setting where physical distancing is not constantly maintained is an important strategy to control COVID-19 transmission. Examples of indoor non-health care public settings include, grocery or retail stores, public transit, and food establishments.


Elmhirst’s Resort will implement a policy on mandatory facial coverings within our establishment. It is the duty of all owners, operators, and employees of Elmhirst’s Resort to ensure this policy is implemented and adhered to. The scope of this policy is the following:

  • Require persons who enter or remain in the indoor public space of Elmhirst’s Resort to wear a face covering that covers the nose, mouth, and chin.
  • Require persons to wear masks in the Hearthside Dining Room when the server is at the table. Face coverings can be removed when the server is not at the table.
  • Best efforts shall be made to ensure that persons entering are wearing a face covering. The face covering must be worn inside Elmhirst’s Resort at all times, unless it is reasonably required to temporarily remove the face covering for services provided by Elmhirst’s Resort (such as eating or drinking).
  • A person shall be exempt from wearing a face covering in Elmhirst’s Resort if:
    • The person is a child under the age of two years; or is a child under the age of five years either chronologically or developmentally and he or she refuses to wear a face covering and cannot be persuaded to do so by their caregiver;
    • The person is incapacitated and unable to remove their face covering without assistance;
    • Wearing a face covering would inhibit the personā€™s ability to breathe such as, but not limited to, during athletic, fitness or physical activity or any activity that would preclude its use (such as swimming);
    • For any other medical reason, the person cannot safely wear a face covering such as, but not limited to, respiratory disease, cognitive difficulties or difficulties in hearing or processing
    • For any religious reason, the person cannot wear a face
    • No person shall be required to provide proof of any of the exemptions set out in #3 of the policy.
  • Visible signage indicating that face coverings are required inside Elmhirst’s Resort will be posted at all entrances and exits.
  • Alcohol-based hand sanitizer of 60% or more will be available at all entrances and exits of the establishment, for use of all persons entering or exiting.
  • All employees and volunteers will receive training on the policy, learn how to respond to anyone who arrives without a face covering or removes their face covering while inside Elmhirst’s Resort, and learn where within Elmhirst’s Resort employees/volunteers are allowed to remove their face covering.

Training requirements:

  • Train staff on how to safely wear a mask.
  • Before putting on your facial covering, wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
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